Wednesday, December 17, 2008

exercise benefits more than meets the eye

Exercise Benefits: More than Meets the EyeWriten by Bonnie Murphy

You all know that regular exercise can improve your physical appearance, but what you may not be aware of are the changes that are going on inside? You may not notice these changes because you cant see or touch them.

If you have been consistent in your exercise program and you are eating healthy but your appearance is not changing as much as you would like dont despair. Depending on what your workout routine is and what eating lifestyle you are following you should be experiencing the following hidden benefits:

Improved Cardiovascular Health. Aerobic (walking, hiking, skiing, snowshoeing, running, dancing, stair climbing, biking, and swimming) exercise will improve the functioning of the heart and decrease your risk of contracting heart disease.

Increased Flexibility. You will find that you can reach, lift, bend and recreate more comfortably with less risk of injury when you are flexible.

Improved Muscular Strength. Performing everyday tasks like carrying groceries becomes easier if you exercise (weight-train) regularly.

Improved Mood. Exercise can be the best stress release of the day. Youll be able to cope with lifes pressures so much easier if you are on a consistent exercise regime.

Increased Energy. The extra energy that you generate from regular exercise helps you deal with physiological and psychological stresses. You sleep like a baby and some of the problems with your significant other just seem unimportant.

Along with these hidden, wonderful, life-changing happenings, you will soon be experiencing all the physical changes that come with consistent exercise.

Imagine looking and feeling years younger! Imagine doing things that you'd given up and attributed to old-age! Never, and I say never, give in to the age thing as being a reason why you can't do something!!

I would venture to say that all conditions that were brought on by disuse can be reversed!!

Bonnie Murphy has been a fitness professional for 20+ years and has dedicated her practice to mature women. Visit the website to down load her latest E-Book the DES (Dynamic, Empowered, and Strong) System. Email Bonnie is dedicated to keeping mature women young and healthy. Bonnie is availble for speaking engagements call 907.646.4076