Tuesday, September 30, 2008

exercise your back pain away

Exercise Your Back Pain Away!Writen by Liana Mirkin

According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, 80 percent of Americans will experience back pain at some time in their life.

The traditional treatment for low back pain is increasing core strength to increase flexibility on tight muscles, provide better stabilization of the spine and exercises to correct the muscle imbalances. The muscles surrounding the spine provide stability and support of the spinal column. All the muscles between the hips and shoulders are included. These muscles are referred to as the core muscles. Back pain can be caused by muscle imbalances of any of these muscles. If the back of the thighs are weaker than the front of the thighs, there will be uneven pull on the front of the spinal column. This muscle imbalance can be caused from long periods of standing or sitting, improper strength training or running, this lordotic curve or sway back of the vertebral column can be painful.

There are more effective ways to integrate core strength training exercises into every exercise you perform, than by doing traditional crunches. One way is to use effective breathing. The following Pilates style breathing technique can be added to any strength training exercise. While performing a leg press, inhale during the bending part and exhale during the press. This deep breathing technique needs to be incorporated with the resistance or force of the exercise. You will utilize the diaphragm muscles which help to provide spinal support and lengthen the spine, by breathing from your diaphragm instead of shallow upper chest breathing.

The tummy tuck and bridge lift and can help reduce back pain and strengthen the core muscles. The tummy tuck is simply a pelvic tilt drawing the abdominals away from the floor. Simply lie face down and squeeze the glutes to lengthen the spine. Reach the tailbone down towards the heels instead of pressing into the thighs. Perform 10-12 repetitions of each exercise alternating them until you have completed 2-3 sets. For the bridge, simply place the feet on a bench or on the floor and scoop the pelvis upward; the rib cage should stay low to reduce the spine muscles irritation. This will relieve stress on the back and focus the muscle contraction into the hamstrings and glutes.

The lumbar side stretch, hip flexor stretch, and calf stretches can help to alleviate pull on the spine.

For the hip flexor stretch, bring one foot forward in a bent knee, 90 degree angle (knee to hip and knee to ankle) while the other leg is on the floor behind with foot pointing toward the ceiling. This stretch helps to open the muscles in the back on the sides of the spine near the hips. Squeeze the glutes to deepen the stretch with each exhaled breath. You should feel a stretch on the back leg, in the front of the thigh and the hamstrings on the front leg.

For the lumbar side stretch bring the legs wide with knees bent while sitting or standing. Bring one hand down towards the foot inside the thighs and the other behind the head.

The last stretch opens up the Achilles tendon; the most distant pull on the spine of the body. Place an object under your foot and lean your body weight forward. Keep a fluid breath while holding all stretches for 10-30 seconds .You should feel a stretch behind the knee and shin.

By exercising core muscles you will be able to continue working out without sacrificing your back. Check with your doctor before starting ANY exercise program!

Liana Mirkin is the IT Director for Spina Systems International, Inc., a company which specializes in distributing the Accu-SPINA machine, which treats chronic back pain in 86%-94% of patients without surgery. You may find the website at http://www.spinaprogram.com.

celebrity bikers past and present

Celebrity Bikers - Past and PresentWriten by Evo Cummings

Theres a very long list of celebrity bikers. Harley Davidson motorcycles have been the chosen toy of both the rich and the famous for a very long time. This phenomenon took place almost immediately after the bike was manufactured. Ive often wondered what the Bad Boys did to set themselves apart in pre-Harley days.
I wonder if people who rode motorcycles were even considered to be rebellious or tough before bikers were featured as such in the motion pictures of the fifties. I know that James Dean in Rebel Without a Cause and Marlon Brando in The Wild One were considered to be THE original motorcycle movies of the day. I believe that the bikers in the latter movie that terrorized the locals while Johnny (Marlon Brando) romanced the local laws daughter, have made a mold and formed negative opinions that many are loathe to put aside decades later.

After awhile the coast seemed to be clear for peaceful law abiding citizens to hop on their bikes and ride without being social pariahs. Then enter Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda of Easy Rider fame. Who can forget all those really bad clothes, dirty looking hair and what about the hand gestures we had not seen on the silver screen before?

Parents lived in fear of their babies growing up to be motorcycle riding ruffians and members of Hells Angels. The mention of the name of this infamous club brought fear to the hearts of many. The existence of this group didnt do much to promote a positive Harley or biker image in those days. Were happy to say that things have gotten better in that situation.

Owners of the Harleys of modern day dont necessarily fit into the rough and ready persona that has preceded them. While Harleys seem to have become a middle class working mans toy, there are many riders among the wealthy and even the SUPER wealthy. I suppose celebrities, moguls and millionaires need stress relief just like the blue collar worker that punches a clock, maybe even more so.

Malcom Forbes, the founder of the famous financial publication of the same name, didnt become a motorcycle fan until he reached his late forties. He seemed to enjoy collecting motorcycles about as much as he seemed to enjoy making money! Malcom seemed to open the doors for businessmen going through their mid-life crisis to go out and buy a Hog and hit the roads.

Jay Leno, is an avid collector of Harley Davidsons and vintage automobiles. Jay was a mechanic for awhile in his younger days and still likes to tinker on engines. Thats one thing you dont see many celebrity riders doing! Most movie stars are just along for the ride, so to speak.

There are many celebrities that enjoy riding motorcycles and many still prefer Harley Davidsons. Even President Clinton appeared riding a Harley during his Presidential campaign! And let us not forget the ladies. The list of well known biker babes would include Tina Turner, Liz Taylor and Lauren Hutton. Many women are becoming independent motorcyclists. Whoever you may be, famous or ordinary in every sense of the word, once the Harley bug bites, its jump on and ride with the pack or be left behind!

By Evo Cummings

Evo Cummings has been an avid motorcycle enthusiast for years. He is the owner of a bike building, customizing and repair shop which has produced more than one award winning custom built motorcycle.

Many of the custom bikes made at his business, an ongoing diary of the activities of this motorcycle shop which are featured in his freelance articles and used motorcycles for sale are covered at his website, GoGoCycles.com. Use of this article requires an active link to gogocycles.com.

exercise basics

Exercise BasicsWriten by Karen L Skidmore

With all the nutrition and fitness hype around these days, how do you know what is correct and what isnt? The intentions of this article are to help you identify factual and effective information regarding current fitness trends.

Total health is threefold aerobic exercise and resistance training are addressed in this article. The third part, healthy eating, will be examined in a future article.

Diet and supplements alone will not get you the physique you want. You must make exercise a part of your weekly routine. Exercise will help to boost your metabolism, change your body composition and decrease your carbohydrate sensitivity.


The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) defines aerobic exercise as any activity that uses large muscle groups, can be maintained continuously, and is rhythmic in nature. This can be any continuous rhythmic activity that keeps the heart rate elevated in the target zone for the length of the workout. Aerobic activity must be done for a minimum of 30 minutes a day at least 3 times a week. Your goal for aerobic exercise is 4 5 times a week for 45 minutes to one hour. This is the same type of exercise that, when done over time, will help to improve the condition of the heart and lungs.

Examples: Walking, jogging, cycling, stairs, cardio machines, swimming, and circuit training.


Resistance training is a term used to cover all types of weight training. This type of training is beneficial in many ways. Primarily, muscle is more metabolically active than fat, so you burn more calories while at rest. Other benefits include a decreased risk for osteoporosis and an increase in bone mass. Resistance training should be done twice weekly incorporating 1 3 sets of exercises for each of the major body parts.

No pain no gain. Lets clear the air on this age old misconception. Bodybuilders and athletes coined this phrase because they felt that if their workouts did not leave them in pain, they did not work hard enough to gain any benefits. It is true that during resistance training you may feel a slight burn or uncomfortable feeling in the muscle; this is a natural reaction when placing a muscle under stress. However at no time should you feel sharp pain or pain in the joints. On occasion there will be a mild soreness after the workout and even soreness 1 2 days after the workout. This is a normal reaction, as you workout you have a temporary build up of lactic acid, that is eventually cleared out by the recovering muscles.

A proper warm up and cool down is as important as the actual workout. Mentally these two will prepare the body for the workout and allow the body to return to normal activity in a comfortable manor. A warm up will allow the bodies metabolic processes a chance to catch up with the increased work load in a more proficient manner helping avoid premature fatigue. It will cause a gradual increase in muscle temperature which will help reduce the chance of injury. A cool down will aid in the removal of lactic acid which in turn will help with muscle soreness. Also it will help the body return blood to the heart and eliminate venous pooling, which leads the feeling of dizziness. Lastly a cool down helps lower the levels of adrenaline in the bloodstream. Any adrenaline that lingers in the bloodstream after the workout can place unnecessary stress on the heart.

Flexibility is the movement or lack of movement we have in our joints. We do stretching exercises to improve these movements. The exercises done to improve our flexibility should always be done at the end of a workout. They can be incorporated right into the cool down. The reason for this is our muscles are much like rubber bands, they have elastic properties and when they are stretched they go back to their original form. If you stretch while the muscles are cold just like the rubber band they do no go back to the original form and you run the risk of having an injury. For improved flexibility stretching exercises should be done everyday.

The information provided here is in no way intended to be a substitute for counseling provided by your healthcare provider. Completely Fit disclaims any liabilities or loses in conjunction with exercises, instructions or advice contained herein. Consult your healthcare provider before beginning exercise or a fitness program.

Karen L Skidmore, author, NATA certified Athletic Trainer and NCSF certified Personal Trainer owns and operates the Completely Fit Personal Training Company.

Monday, September 29, 2008

dumbbell exercises new ways to improve your muscle tone

Dumbbell Exercises - New Ways To Improve Your Muscle ToneWriten by Dean Iggo

One great way to improve your workouts is with dumbbell exercises. Using a wide variety of dumbbell routines, you can strengthen every major muscle group in your body. Strength training can work with all exercise routines. Dumbbells offer some great advantages over other strength training methods.

Because dumbbell workouts help with stabilizing muscles, they improve your balance and posture. Also, they help you exercise by using natural methods of movement. A dumbbell workout allows you a greater range of movement than strength training machines, and they are so flexible, you can adapt them to the sport you are training for.

Moreover, they are incredibly safe, and they help improve cardiovascular fitness. There are a few things to remember before you start a dumbbell workout, though.

First, be sure you include a warm-up and cool down period in your routine. Five minutes of light aerobic exercise and stretching should take care of that. Also, start with a very low amount of weight. Next, be sure you always have a spotter. Finally, be sure you don't make sudden movements with the weights, as your muscles are experiencing extreme tension during these kinds of exercises.

How Can I Start?

The best way to start a dumbbell exercise routine is with a beginner workout. A typical beginner workout might include the following:

Note: When you are starting out with any exercise program start off slowly and don't try to impress anyone by lifting massive dumbbell weights. You will just feel sore for a long time afterwards.

1. warm-up

2. five lunges for each leg

3. five bicep curls for each arm

4. five overhead presses

5. three minute rest break

6. repeat steps two through five twice

7. cool down period

Once you've worked with this type of routine for a week or so, you're probably ready to move to something a bit more progressive. A more progressive routine might look like this:

1. warm-up

2. ten lunges for each leg

3. ten bicep curls for each arm

4. ten overhead presses

5. eight squats

6. ten side raises

7. ten front raises

8. ten shoulder shrugs

9. three minute rest break

10. repeat steps two through nine four times

11. cool down period

Dean Iggo is a keen fitness enthusiast and home gym user. He is also the webmaster of home-gym-buyers-guide.com a website providing unbiased reviews of dumbbells and dumbbell weight sets.

arthritis exercise

Arthritis ExerciseWriten by Robert Kokoska

Thinking about exercise and arthritis? It is not uncommon for people to show their horror at this thought. For many years it was believed that arthritis and exercise doesn't go hand in hand. However a recent study has revealed that exercise can in fact help people with arthritis. Additionally exercise is becoming a vital tool in managing arthritis.

Regular exercise helps in improving the flexibility of the joints, decreasing pain and rigidity in the joints. It also helps in improving the general muscular structure of the body. Besides it brings extra benefits as well which includes, better overall fitness, more self-esteem and lower levels of depression.

This article aims to deal with several exercise approaches that can be used by arthritis patients to get pain relief and manage arthritis more effectively.

Range of motion exercises involves trying to move the joints in all possible directions. It is more of a gentle exercise. It needs to be carried out on a regular basis in order to decrease the rigidity of the joints and avoid deformities. This exercise becomes more important for arthritis patients who tend to avoid much joint movement due to high inflammatory pain.

It is believed by some people that normal day activities like dressing, bathing, housework are a substitute for ROM exercises; however this is not the case.

Strengthening exercises are used in everyday life to improve the muscular structure of the body, which allows the body to withstand pain more easily. Similar arthritis patients can use this exercise to help build strong muscles, which will lead to more stable joints and less pain. This type of exercise comes in two packages, which includes isotonic and isometric.

Isometric exercises are used in conditions where the joint motion is impaired. It involves tightening the muscles without moving the joints.

Isotonic on the other hand, involves tightening the muscles in coordination with joint movements.

Endurance exercises involve bringing the heart beat level of your heart to an optimal level for a short period of time. This optimal level of heart performance is acquired on the basis of the patient's age and physical condition using computer. It helps in improving the cardiovascular fitness. In order to increase the effectiveness of these exercises, these shall be undertaken around 3 times a week. Carrying out theses exercises helps patients achieve better physical strength and improve mental attitude.

There are several exercises that be can undertaken by an arthritis patient. Walking is an ideal choice. It helps in building strength and improves mobility of the joints. It is also helpful for maintaining bone health.

Similarly running can bring about pain relief to arthritis patients. Research has shown that running on soft surfaces doesn't cause osteoarthritis. This is a good option for people suffering from less extreme version of arthritis.

Yoga has long been an ultimate exercise for arthritis patients. Yoga can help bring relief to joints, decrease pain and relax muscles. It is also a good range-of-motion exercise as it includes controlled movements, maintaining pressures, and deep breathing relaxation. However this exercise must be carefully used if the condition is getting worse rapidly and try not to put pressure on the inflamed joints.

Cycling can be used as a low level exercise option. This exercise can be carried in either position; freestanding or stationary. Additionally, cycling equipment can be fixed and altered according to the condition of the patient, in order to make the experience easier and less physically imposing.

The aforementioned exercises give an insight into possible ways of improving the health of patients suffering from arthritis. In order to effectives of each technique it is essential to be consistent. The exercise shall be started on a low note and then build up gradually in order to allow the body to adjust to the outside pressure.

Also it is important to keep in mind, that each exercise shall be carried within its own limit. Excess exercise during flare-ups can worsen symptoms. However before the exercise is undertaken, it is important to contact your nearest doctor and seek professional advice as each case of arthritis shall be dealt on an individual basis. This can be help in seeking a more effective approach to this condition.


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liquid cooled minimotos pocketbikes how fast are they and are they affordable

Liquid Cooled Minimotos (PocketBikes), How Fast Are They and Are They Affordable?Writen by G Racing

As the latest craze of Minimoto Madness continues in the United Kingdom. The demand for pocket bikes means that the consumer is now looking for more better quality products which are not only affordable for the average earner but also produce great horsepower and fast speeds.

Price range of liquid cooled minimotos?

Only a few months ago it would have been almost impossible to get a quality liquid cooled minimoto for less than 600, however due to reliable UK based companies who have started to import liquid cooled pocket bikes of great quality, you can now get a liquid cooled minimoto for as little as 250. (See below for a minimoto importer website who sells all four of the liquid cooled pocket bikes discussed below)

Currently there are lots of liquid cooled minimotos available from big companies such as GRC, Polini, Blata etc as these are of the highest available quality they will cost you thousands of pounds! However UK based companies who now import directly from Asia can offer the consumer fast pocketbikes as low as 250!

What models are available under 350?

Discussed here are four of the most popular liquid cooled minimotos which are all available for under 350! Pictures of all these are provided in the link at the end of this article.

Polini style liquid cooled minimoto

For those just progressing from the air cooled minimotos the next step up is the Polini 911 style liquid cooled minimoto. This is a reliable bike with a super cast aluminum quality frame. This minimoto hits approximately 55 60mph. As it is similar in style to the air cooled minimotos and not a dramatic speed increase it is just the right mini moto to use to give you the extra thrill but not make your hair stand up!
Also it is an ideal minimoto to learn how to tweak and tune up, as the parts availability is high for this model and many original minimoto parts will fit straight on. These pocketbikes have the least problems out the box and are easiest to maintain.

Specification of a Polini style minimoto

ENGINE: 39cc 2 Stroke Water Cooled (6.2hp)

BRAKES: Twin front & single rear discs

FRAME: Aluminum

START: Pull cord

TYRES: Semi slicks

COOLING: Water cooled radiator with water pump

EXHAUST: Performance exhaust with large expansion chamber

SPEED: Up to 60mph (depending on weight / weather & road conditions)

Blata Origami Style liquid cooled minimoto

Next in the range, and slightly faster is the Origami style minimoto. This is slightly faster than the Polini style bike and has whats known as a mk 3 frame. It is a more squarer frame than the usual air cooled minimoto frames. When the first batch of these originally came from China they had many problems including overheating issues however since then they have been upgraded and modifications now done on them mean they no longer have these problems. If its reliability you want as the next step up then the Polini style minimoto is better to go for than the Origami style minimoto, however if you want more speed and know a little more about minimotos and are willing to fine tune these Origami style ones they will serve you well and you will not be disappointed!

Specification of an origami style minimoto:

ENGINE: 39cc 2 Stroke Water Cooled

BRAKES: Wavy Twin front & single rear discs

FILTER: Large K&N Style performance cone filter

START: Pull cord

TYRES: Street Tyres

COOLING: Water cooled radiator with water pump

EXHAUST: Performance exhaust with large expansion chamber

SPEED: Up to 60mph (depending on weight / weather & road conditions)

Blata Elite style liquid cooled minimoto

The Elite rep has the same spec engine as the Origami rep however due to its light frame and half fairing this bike is scary! Smaller and lighter than the other water cooled bikes you will struggle to keep the front wheel down due to sheer power. Once mastered you will leave everyone with a face full of exhaust fumes as you shoot off into the distance. This bike is not suitable for inexperience riders and minors! Although the Elite rep is fast the downside is the frame, which needs to be made stronger with a bit more welding!

Specification of the Elite style minimoto:

ENGINE: 39cc 2 Stroke Water cooled

COOLING: Water cooled radiator with water pump

FILTER: Large K&N Style performance cone filter

EXHAUST: Performance exhaust with large expansion chamber

SPEED: 60+mph (Dependant on rider weight, weather, surface conditions)

BRAKES: Front & Rear Disc

MAX LOAD: 110kg

TYRES: slick tyres


STARTER: Pull Cord

POWER: 8.5 BHP/15000rm (manufacturer claim tested to be very very fast)

Banshee Sho (GRC style - liquid cooled minimoto)

Last but not least is the newest water / liquid cooled minimoto to come out from China. Theres many similarities style wise between this BANSHEE SHO rep and the GRC minimoto's. This has to be the ultimate bike for thrill seekers. This bike gets the adrenaline pumping like no other. Super high quality mini moto with a full aluminium frame. This minimoto oozes style & the paintwork on most is just fabulous! This pocketbike boosts an amazing 11 bhp and has a 50cc 2 stroke engine compared to the others which have a 39cc engine.

This bike would only be suited to those very comfortable on minimotos they are Not suitable for inexperience riders and minors! A Caution comes with this bike as it is extremely fast! This minimoto also has 3 power bands and you will get the most out of it on a track with long straights.

Specification of the Banshee style minimoto:

ENGINE: 50cc 2 Stroke Water Cooled (11hp)

COOLING: Liquid Cooling

SPEED: 65+mph

BRAKES: Twin Front Brake Discs & Single Rear Disc

START: Pull Start

RADIATOR: Water cooled radiator with water pump & bleed valve

TYRES: semi slick tyres

FRAME: aluminum

Depending on your preference the above four pocket bikes will cater for most riders who want to move up from air cooled pocketbikes. The link provided below has pictures and further details on all liquid cooled minimotos.

Selection of affordable liquid cooled minimotos can be found here:

fitness and exercise can prevent disease

Fitness and Exercise Can Prevent DiseaseWriten by Judith Brandy

Fitness and exercise slow the onset of disease.

This is a proven fact and yet more Americans than ever are suffering from obesity and Type Two diabetes thought to be at epidemic levels in the United States. If you are overweight, and especially if you are obese, or if youve been diagnosed with diabetes, then take your doctor's advice and begin and begin a regular fitness and personalized exercise program. Youll be very glad you did.

One of the bi-products of fitness and exercise, as any doctor will tell you, is that working out and consistent exercise helps manage your blood sugar. A diabetic who takes drugs daily may realize that less medication is needed with a habitual fitness and exercise program. Many diabetics who stay with fitness and exercise programs may find that they are able to reduce or quit the medication and manage their diabetes in a totally natural way.

High triglycerides are also rapidly becoming a norm for most Americans. High triglycerides are linked to heart disease, including strokes and heart attacks. A wonderful, easy-to accomplish and totally natural way to decrease your level of triglycerides is to begin and stick with a fitness and exercise program combined with a sensible diet. Elevated triglycerides are also connected to high blood sugar, and it is very common in diabetics. Fitness and exercise effectively minimizes two potential health risks at the same time.

Many people have despaired at the way obesity has become part of the American psyche questioning its causes. Some reasons are obvious. Sedentary lifestyles are now much more common and can include working in front of computers, watching television, staying indoors, playing virtual reality games and the like. In addition, many Americans eat diets high in fat and carbohydrates. Whatever the source, fitness and exercise can be a major part of the cure for this predicament. Increasing physical activity, raising the heart rate, and just getting active can help a person loose weight, control triglyceride levels and improve or stave off diabetes. It should not be ignored.

Parents should restrict time spent by children with video games or watching television and encourage them to engage in fitness and exercise. Children did this naturally in past generations, but now there are too many distractions to keep them inside. Playing games like baseball, basketball and jump rope outdoors can help alleviate this situation in a way that is fun and revitalizing for all involved. Children who learn the benefits of fitness and exercise at an early age will continue working out in adulthood. They will lead healthier lifestyles and tend to live longer, healthier and happier lives.

Fitness and Exercise Gains Popularity

Fitness and exercise is gaining in popularity for many reasons. Since the advertisement and educational commercials about obesity and its deadly effects on Americans in recent years as well as a rash of Type 2 diabetes on the upswing, people have begun seeing the benefit of engaging in fitness and exercise to improve their conditions. Parents are once again encouraging their youngsters to get up and away from the television and work out, and the baby boomers, pursuing fitness and exercise as they age, are taking to it with commitment in order to enjoy their lives well into the advanced years. Regardless of the reasons, many Americans take fitness and exercise very seriously now whereas a bare ten years ago it was on the fringes of societal consciousness.

Americans exercise in a wide variety of ways engaging in fitness and exercise activities which reflect the diversity of both the population and their interests. Many people go to gyms or athletic clubs. Others participate in sports events that they enjoy. Fitness and exercise activities can include bowling, racquet sports like squash, golf, summer softball leagues, horseshoes, hiking, horseback riding, and many other fun things to do. Fitness and exercise activities in American have many faces.

One of the most popular fitness and exercise activities is walking. Many people of all ages enjoy taking a brisk walk every day. This simple fitness and exercise activity can be done by almost anyone. So many Americans are walking these days that magazines are published devoted to the activity. Generally Americans are not as organized as their European cousins when in comes to walking. In Germany, one of the most popular weekend fitness and exercise activities is the volksmarch, or the peoples march. When a volksmarch occurs, people of all ages come together to take a day long or walk through a town or the countryside, stopping to share a meal and good conversation along the way. They combine fitness and exercise with social activity and everyone has a great time.

Americans may not be ready for the volksmarch yet, but they find many other fitness and exercise options to their liking. Golf is more popular now than any time in history. Tennis is making a comeback and even martial arts are fitness and exercise choices for many. For Americans the important thing about fitness and exercise is to do something and make sure that that is something they will enjoy so that they stick with it.

Fitness and exercise is now more mainstream, and with it's continued growth, it will lead to a longer and healthier life, and give a great deal of fun to the participants along the way.

Fitness, Exercise

About the author

Judith Brandy is a writer, breast cancer survivor and science fiction fan with a slightly skewed, amused perspective of the world. Read some of her other articles at:

Sunday, September 28, 2008

how exercise helps reduce stress

How Exercise Helps Reduce StressWriten by Brennan Howe

Experts agree that one best way to manage stress is through exercise. Exercise has been proven to relax the body and mind, burn fat, improve cardiovascular system, bring in more oxygen, reduce the chance of diseases, lower blood pressure and the list goes on.

During the stress response, many chemical reactions occur in the body preparing it to what is known as the fight or flight response. During prehistoric days as cave dwellers, we had the opportunity to burn off our stress when an animal attacked, as it was a means of survival. We were able to run away or fight the threat immediately. In today's society, we do not have to fight a bear or tiger, so we do not have much of an outlet readily at hand to burn off the stress or pent up negative emotions. Therefore, we carry it with us creating emotional and physical problems. Exercise can help by providing an outlet for negative emotions such as worry, irritability, depression, hostility, anger, frustration, and anxiety. You can dissipate these feelings by simply taking it out on the tennis court, by running, or punching a bag. Regular exercise provides the opportunity to manage the fight or flight response and helps the body to return to a homeostasis or balanced state more quickly.

Exercise can also improve self-esteem and self worth by realizing that you are benefit directly. You may feel more outgoing and social because of the increased energy and also a better physique creating more confidence and positive self image. Your self-esteem may be enhanced by taking on exercise challenges or goals, giving you a feeling of accomplishment and reward.

Anaerobic vs. Aerobic Exercise:

Aerobic exercise is an activity that uses major muscle groups such as walking, running, swimming, and cycling. This type of exercise strengthens your cardiovascular system by increasing your heart and respiratory rate and brings in more oxygen into the body. To reap the full benefits of aerobic exercise, you must be at 60%-80% of your target heart rate for at least 20 minutes, between three and five times a week.

To calculate your target heart rate use the following formula:
Take 220 - (subtract) your age X (multiply 60%, or 70%, etc. intensity rate.) = Target heart rate (divide by six for a ten second pulse count. Take your pulse for ten seconds and gage where you are during the workout. Speed up the pace if you are below 60%.

Aerobic exercise is key to lose weight as it burns calories which are the energy consumed and adds fat to our bodies. Combined with a healthy diet it is a sure way to lose weight. One pound of body fat is equivalent to 3500 calories. To lose one pound, you must burn 3500 calories. It is easier to combine aerobics and create a small caloric deficit in your diet than to do one or the other solely.

Anaerobic exercise builds muscle strength and power. Isotonics and Isometrics are two kinds of anaerobic exercises.

Isotonics uses your muscles to contract against an object with movement such as weight lifting (also called strength or resistance training.) The benefits of isotonic exercises are stronger muscles, stronger bones, tone, prevent injuries, and condenses and shapes muscle for better esthetics.

Isometric exercise is contracting your muscles against resistance without movement. Such as lifting an object like a dumbbell and holding a position. You are isolating that muscle.

Use both types of anaerobic exercises to maximize your strength to build healthy, lean, and strong muscles.

Select exercises that you enjoy and can do for at least 20 minutes, three to five days a week. Exercise does not necessarily mean hitting the gym and making an ordeal out of it. It can simply be a walk around your neighborhood or dancing to some tunes. Try to think activity verses exercise. When you are in an active mind-frame, you will purposely park a little farther, do stretches at the computer, take the stairs instead of the elevator, etc.

Commit that you will begin to be more active and stick to your exercises or activities for 21 days. Why 21? Research has showed that it takes about 21 days to create a habit. Document how your feel after the 21 days. Your stress levels should be lowered, you should feel more energized, and see some physical changes such as a slimmer physique.

You may already know the benefits of exercise but are you doing it? So start by making a decision, begin slowly, then gradually work up to more and longer workout sessions. The point of this article is to help you take immediate action.

Brennan Howe is owner of several free health information websites. Visit FreeInfoSites.com for information on a variety of health topics.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

20 essential exercise amp fitness tips

20 Essential Exercise & Fitness TipsWriten by Simon Gould

For those beginners or even the seasoned veterans who need a refresher. Here are some essential exercise and fitness tips for before, during and after your workout.

Before Your Workout

Listen to Your Body... Any strains, pains or aches from previous training days need to be looked at. It's better to have a lighter workout or rest day than a 4 week injury.

Carb Load... Should your next routine be a vigorous one then fuel up on carbohydrate for the extra energy you'll need.

Let Your Stomach Settle... Make sure any pre-workout meal is eaten at least an hour preferably 2 hours before your workout.

Check Equipment... If you run and your shoes are worn out buy new ones, if you lift weights ensure the weights are secure.

Get a Training Partner... This will make your workout more enjoyable, you've got someone to challenge you and for weight training a spotter.

Warm Up... Prepare the specific muscles you'll be using for the activity ahead. If it's running then jog for 10 mins. If it's weight training then do some light reps.

Stretch... Some fitness routines have specific stretches you can do to prepare your body for the range of motion ahead. Stretching will also help prevent injury.

During Your Workout

Keep Hydrated... Especially in the gym or on a hot day, you'll need far more than the recommended 8 by 8 ounces. Drink often and use your thirst as a gauge.

Use Sports/ Carb Drinks... For workouts longer than 45 minutes your body will need some of it's energy replaced.

Use Good Technique... In whatever you do, this will allow you to get the most out of your fitness efforts.

Listen to Your Body... How you feel is paramount, is your workout easier or harder than normal? Feel free to adapt. Also watch for any aches and pains particularly those in the chest area.

Use a Heart Rate Monitor... For cardiovascular fitness it's the ultimate tool to gauge your intensity and progress and it never lies! For resistance training use it to see that the body is fully rested between sets.

Enjoy It... Whatever activity you do, whether it's your great ability! or the competing, get something out of it.

Vary Your Routine... Vary the intensity, time and location. Explore your potential for the activity.

After Your Workout

Cool Down... Your muscles and cardiovascular system need a gradual slow down. Take 10 minutes at 20% intensity of the activity you've just done.

Massage & Spa... This helps any tired and aching muscles by clearing lactic acid and speeds recovery.

Record Your Progress... Keep track of what you do to train for a competition or just to record your achievements.

Listen to Your Body... Always! Get use to how your body feels post workout so you can distinguish between an ache and something more serious.

Increase Protein Intake... Especially after a hard workout particularly resistance training. Proteins are the building blocks of muscle and your body needs lots of it.

Rest at Least One Day a Week... Even elite athletes do so even though current health recommendations advise daily workouts. It's during rest that your body can fully repair itself, then it make's itself stronger. Ready for when you next give it some punishment!

By Simon Gould, taken from http://www.fitnessbegin.com/ the well-being resource.

exercise for toning hips

Exercise For Toning HipsWriten by Nitin Chhoda

Its every woman's dream shapely hip muscles. From a human anatomy point of view, women tend to have larger hips relative to the waist (unlike men) since women tend to store higher amounts of body fat in the hip, buttocks and thighs.

Each person is different and fat gets stored in the body in a certain order. That order is determined by gender and genetics. Its a myth that women can selectively lose fat in the hip region. In fact, spot reduction is something that advertisers use to prey on unsuspecting customers desperate to try anything to shape up certain areas of the body. You have probably wasted time and money on gadgets, weight loss creams and other gimmicks. When one loses weight, the 'reduction' is general i.e all over the body, but never in one 'spot'. Think of the body as if it was a balloon, which inflates and deflates every time, you gain / lose weight.

Heres the good news - specific exercises for the hip, as outlined below will help tone the hip muscles (but not spot reduce them). The following exercise routine has been designed to tone the hip muscles. It works best when combined with an aerobic exercise program and a healthy diet.

Combining hip toning exercises with a well rounded aerobic exercise and weight training program requires more energy and more strength. Your body responds to high intensity execises by adding lean muscle. This increases the rate at which the body burns calories and helps use up excess stored fat. You cna burn more calories by doing a variety of activities, and mixing up the exercises, intensity and duration every 2-3 weeks. All weight training exercises are not created equal. Exercises that involve large muscle groups such as squats and lunges for your legs, bench presses for your chest, overhead presses for your shoulders and lat pull-downs for your back build more muscle mass. A combination of cardiovascular exercise and weight lifting will make you stronger and leaner. This kind of effort takes time, but the results are permanent.

The following routine has been specially designed for toning hip muscles.

For best results, start with 15-20 repetitions and one set. Increase gradually to 2 sets. Complete the routine at least 2 times a week and you will see results within the first few weeks. These numbers are general guidelines. For best results, consult a personal trainer. If you have any injuries or medical ailments, please obtain a physicians clearance before starting any exercise program.

Side Lying Hip Raises Hip toning.

Starting Position: Lie on your left side on a mat with the legs straight. Support your heard in your hands and keep the left leg bent.
Movement: Slowly raise the right leg 8-12 inches up in the air, keeping the knee straight. Lower it gradually. Complete 15-20 repetitions and repeat on the opposite side.
To make this exercise harder, you can try using weight cuffs around the ankles. Start with 1 lb and work your way up to 5 lbs within 4-6 weeks. Another way to make the exercise harder is to raise the leg and then trace large circles clockwise 10 times, followed by another 10 repetitions anticlockwise.

Seated Hip Toning Hip toning.

Starting Position: Sit on an exercise matt with your legs together and your palms on the matt for support.
Movement: Lift your right foot 8-12 inches off of the matt. Point your toes and moving only at your ankle trace a large circle in the air. Complete fifteen circles clockwise and fifteen circles counter clockwise. Repeat as required on other side.
To make this exercise harder, you can try using weight cuffs around the ankles. Start with 1 lb and work your way up to 5 lbs within 4-6 weeks. Another way to make the exercise harder is to trace smaller circles.

Standing Single Leg Wall Squat (Advanced) Hip And Thigh Toning

This is an advanced exercise since it shapes the hips and thighs.
Starting Position: - Place your upper back against a smooth wall. Stand on one foot and lean back against the wall.
Movement: - Inhale, keeping your heel in contact with the floor at all times, slowly lower into a squat position while sliding down the wall. Exhale as you slowly straighten your leg, keeping your head and chest up, returning to the starting position. Repeat as required.
This is an advanced exercise. Please discontinue the exercises if you have any
pain and consult a physician prior to this exercise routine if you have a history of hip or knee pain.

Standing Single Leg Dumbbell Squats (Advanced) Hip And Thigh Toning.

Starting Position: - Stand on one leg with a slight bend in your knees. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and allow them to hang down at your sides.
Movement: - Inhale, keeping your heel in contact with the floor at all times, slowly lower into a squat position. Exhale as you slowly straighten your leg, keeping your head and chest up, returning to the starting position. Repeat as required.
You can start with 2 lb dumbbells and work your way up to 5 lbs within 3-4 weeks.

Lying Leg Bridge Hip Toning.

Starting Position: - On an exercise matt, lie with your feet on a plank or a board with a 4-6 inch elevation. Keep the knees bent and both feet flat on the floor. Lay your hands on the matt palms down on either side of your body for support.
Movement: - Exhale as you push your hips up into the air, keeping your spine straight. Hold this position as long as you can, continuously keeping your hips in the air. Lower slowly. Repeat for 15 20 repetitions.

Lying Face Down Plank Hip, Thigh And Ab Toning.

Starting Position: Get on an exercise matt on all fours, with your elbows touching the matt directly underneath your shoulders. Extend your legs back as far as you can, and keep the toes on the floor.
Movement: Raise the hips up and hold yourself in this plank position with your back completely flat. This is an excellent exercise for the hips, thighs and abdominal muscles. Since it involves so many muscles, it is strenuous in nature. Lower the hips slowly down to the mat. Repeat for 15-20 repetitions. (Most individuals find it hard to complete 15-20 reps for this exercise and 8-10 might be a more suitable starting point).

Nitin Chhoda is a professional fitness consultant with an MS in Performance Enhancement and Injury Prevention and a BS in Physical Therapy. Professionaly certified by the National Association of Sports Medicine as a Performance Enhancement Specialist (PES), Nitin has over 8 years of experience training the general population, hospital patients and athletes. He provides online personal training to clients all across the world through his website http://www.phonefitnesstrainer.com.

He also provides free training routines, diet plans, grocery lists and fitness books for women on his website http://www.toningforwomen.com

Sign up to receive updates about Nitin's new articles, fitness books and other exciting promotions at http://www.toningforwomen.com/friends.html

what to do with a pocket bike

What to do With a Pocket BikeWriten by Ivar Rudi

Many people want to have the fun that many do on motorcycles, but do not actually want to have one. When this is the case, there are pocket bikes to take advantage of. Many adults will find that they can have so much fun on their pocket bike and may find them to be easier to ride.

Many adults have pocket bikes. These are fun for them to ride on a regular basis around their local areas. They can enjoy them because they are not expensive to run and will allow them to get around and have fun at the same time. There are gas and electric pocket bikes to choose from. You can decide which ones are better for you and what will suit your style.

The pocket bikes are small so they do not take up much space at all. You can store these pocket bikes in many storage sheds. You should keep these bikes stored properly to keep it protected from the weather. You will want to have it in a garage or shed so that you do not have to worry about the bike getting ruined or even stolen from your yard.

Many of the adults that use a pocket bike will use them to race. This is a very popular way to enjoy the pocket bikes and allow adults to have some good clean fun. These races are performed in safe and secluded areas so that there are no chances of injury for the riders or other motorists. Pocket bikes should never be rode where it is dangerous or where there is heavy traffic to interfere with.

Children are also getting acquainted with pocket bikes more and more these days. There are a lot of children that want to have some form of racing bike but their parents are not so sure this is a good idea. A pocket bike is a great way to get a child started on a motor bike and not have to worry about their safely as much. With the right safety precautions, a child will have a lot of fun on their bike and will get a lot of great experience.

A pocket bike is a great gift for any child. A child will enjoy to this great motorbike and will learn the importance of taking care of something. This will be a valuable lessen for any child to have. Parents need to supervise the child and make sure that they are using the bike properly and safely.

With the right guidance and the right knowledge, anyone can have a great time on their pocket bike. They will have a fun and safe ride. You should start off slow and learn the basics and then go on from there to bigger and better fun.

Copyright 2006 - Ivar Rudi. Ivar suggests you find great market for less by shopping online today. For more information and resources about this subject check out: http://www.pocketbikes-guide.com/ and also: http://www.mini-chopper.org/

Friday, September 26, 2008

ab sculpting exercise one of the most productive exercises for your abs that is hardly ever used

Ab Sculpting Exercise - One Of The Most Productive Exercises For Your Abs That Is Hardly Ever UsedWriten by Randall Gartman

Before I talk about one of the most productive and forgotten Ab Development exercises ever developed, you will need to know how your abdominal muscles actually work. I know for a fact, if I don't offer some pretty convincing evidence, it will be very difficult for you to believe such a claim so here is where a little education will go a long way to prove my point.

Your abdominal muscles are really one big muscle called the Rectus Abdominus. You do not have upper, mid and lower abs unless you have some genetic anomaly. This is really critical to understand because the long muscle fibers in the abdominal muscles start at ribcage and ends at the pubic region.

So, when you contract your muscles during a curl-up or crunch, the two ends of the muscle fibers move toward each other. It is impossible for the lower portion of the Rectus Abdominus (abs) to function without equally firing off all the other muscle fibers in the abs.

Once the muscle relaxes and allows its two ends to move apart and reach its original stretched position, you will complete the full range-of-motion of an abdominal exercise,

I am not forgetting the external and internal Obliques because they are directly and indirectly involved while performing any abdominal movement so its really not necessary to hammer out your Obliques regularly. In fact, since the only thing a muscle can do is shrink and grow (atrophy or hypertrophy), you probably will not want to overly develop the Obliques because it will create a thicker looking waistline.

That means the key to creating great-developed abs is to use exercises that fully contract the abdominal muscle until it is fatigued and that will take the muscle through it's full range-of-motion, just like any other muscle you build in your body.

Remember though, you will not see your abs if they are hidden under a layer of fat and you cannot spot reduce the fat from waistline by training your abs for hours on end. Simply doing hours of abdominal exercises may develop your abs but you will still carry that layer of fat around your body if you aren't burning the appropriate amount of calories. If you are trying to lose body fat, there are much bigger and better exercises than abdominal exercises for burning calories and body fat.

Now that you know how the abdominal muscle works, it's time to discover, The most forgotten productive exercise for your Abs.

Reintroducing, TADA - The Sit Up.

Wait! Don't go yet. It's really, really important for you to know how to properly perform a Sit Up. If you perform the Sit Up like you did in Gym Class, you are reducing the Sit Up's effectiveness by almost 50% and you could cause some serious low back pain for yourself.

I know; if a personal trainer or non free-thinking exercise physiologist is reading this section right now they are going to tell me I am crazy for recommending Sit Ups. Here again, it is important to understand the rules behind Abdominal-development and the Sit Up exercise really qualifies as a very effective movement.

Remember, when the abdominal muscle is working, Two ends of the muscle fibers must move toward each other and be able to fully contract.

Does the Sternum and Pubic area move toward each other when performing Sit Ups?

Does the Abdominal Muscle bend and stretch the spine in its full range of motion in a Sit Up?

Does the abdominal muscles reach full extension to full flexion?
YES, if you perform the exercise correctly! So, why does the sit up exercise get such a bad rap?

Primarily because the old style Sit Ups you performed incorrectly in gym class put too much stress on the lower back and hip flexors. But, do you know what is really crazy about that logic? If more muscles than one are involved, it is called a compound or multi-joint movement. You wont hear me saying compound movements are bad. Are these supposed experts trying to get people to actually believe that compound movements are great for every muscle except the abdominal muscles?

If I remember correctly, didnt these same exercise physiologists claim squats and Deadlifts put too much strain on your knees and back and that we all needed to stop doing those exercises too? Just a few years later, most of the experts are now eating their words, arent they?

Description of Exercise - Here is the appropriate way to perform an effective Sit Up.

Lay flat on your back with a rolled up towel under your lower back. Bend your knees about 45 with heels on the floor and keep your toes pointing up. Do not anchor your feet.

Spread the knees apart approximately 6-8 inches to prevent the hip flexors from contributing too much to the exercise.

Next, extend your arms between your legs and keep your hands between your legs throughout the movement because it will help keep you in the proper position.

Now, exhale and lift your shoulders off the ground, keeping your neck in a neutral position. Concentrate on trying to force the lower portion of your ribcage into your knees by curling the spine upward into the sit up position. (DO NOT CURL YOUR NECK).
Slowly lower yourself back down to the starting position by uncurling your spine and you are finished with the repetition when you feel the rolled up towel supporting your lower back again.

Notice how both ends of the abdominal muscle fully contract together and are stretched through its full range of motion. When you perform a Sit Up with proper biomechanics, your next crunch exercise will pale by comparison.

(c) 2003 - 2004 Randall T. Gartman


Randall Gartman, Certified Personal Trainer and NLP Practitioner, is author of eMpowering Physical Mastery and eMpowering Pain-Free Living - Life Without Obesity. To learn more about his books and to sign up for more FREE tips like these, visit his site at http://www.stopbeingoverweight.com

exercise in air pollution does the benefit outweigh the harm

Exercise in Air Pollution: Does the Benefit Outweigh the Harm?Writen by Gabe Mirkin, M.D.

It's healthful to exercise and harmful to breathe polluted air. Many people wonder if they will do more harm than good by exercising on days when the air is heavily polluted.

The worst time for pollution is when clouds cover the sky and automobiles fill the roads. Automobile exhaust fumes are the principal source of air pollution in most cities, and overlying clouds increase pollution. Usually the sun rays heat the ground to warm air closest to the ground. Hot air rises, taking large amounts of pollutants skyward. On air inversion days, the clouds prevent the sun's rays from getting through to the ground, so the air near the ground is not heated, remains colder and doesn't rise, causing the air with its pollutants to remain close to the ground.

Air pollutants such as carbon monoxide, ozone, carbon dioxide, and sulfur dioxide, can damage your lungs. When you exercise, you breathe more deeply and more frequently so that you breathe in more pollutants. However, you don't retain more pollution. Bicycle riders in rush hour downtown Washington traffic breathe in more carbon monoxide than car riders do, but have lower blood levels of carbon monoxide.

If possible, try to avoid heavily trafficked streets, and exercise before the heavy morning traffic peak or at least two hours after the evening rush hour ends. But if you have no other choice -- go ahead and exercise.

Read my Good Food Book FREE, with 100 healthful recipes.

Dr. Gabe Mirkin has been a radio talk show host for 25 years and practicing physician for more than 40 years; he is board certified in four specialties, including sports medicine. Read or listen to hundreds of his fitness and health reports at http://www.DrMirkin.com.

Free weekly newsletter on fitness, health, and nutrition.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

bike tips town riding

Bike Tips: Town RidingWriten by Greg Hudson

Three Lanes and an Indicator

The over-heated city worker has no patience, especially when looking for parking. If you find yourself on either the left or right side of a three-way lane, bare this in mind. Commonly, the driver in front of you will spot an empty parking bay. Not thinking to indicate, hell swerve towards it without checking his mirrors.

In addition, an oncoming car thats indicating their intent to turn means nothing more than that the indicator bulb is working. Avoid assumptions when it comes to little flashing lights!

Likewise, make absolutely certain you turn your own indicator off. Drivers think youre turning left or right when in fact you intend to go straight. Before you know it, youre T-boned!

Filtering Between Lanes

Cruising up to the robots through the cars is one of the benefits of biking in town. When cars are side-by-side they keep the gap between them and theres no danger of a motorist cutting across you, just watch out for their mirrors!

The danger lurks where a car, especially a taxi, has a chance to take the gap. Again, indicators mean nothing here. This is a tricky one to judge, best go slow!

Friendly Folk!

Junction friendly folk like to give way to each other out of courtesy. Its those you go, no Ill go moments you should look out for.

Kak in the Street

Youll find all manner of things in the streets of town. To name a few: bottles, plastic bags, drunk bums, vendors at the stop streets and other nasty trip-ups. Oh and dont forget motorists who throw things out of the window while moving. AKA cigarette butts!


Either park your bike where you can see it or stick your license disc under your seat. People steal your disc and have a license plate made to match. Guess who gets their speeding fines! This happens frequently in town.
Roundabout Now!

Take the opportunity to use the vehicle next to you as cover when pulling into a roundabout. Any car to the right of your cover car will be safely out of range.

Live to ride, ride to live!

BikeFinder.co.za showcases bikes for sale in Cape Town through an online showroom. Find a motorcycle if youre in the area or visit our topics of interest page for further articles.

exercise pays cash too

Exercise Pays Cash TooWriten by Bentley Thompson

It is universally acknowledged that physical exercise pays healthy dividends. The medical documents on the subject list improvement of cardiovascular functions, toning and strengthening of muscles, weight control, longevity, among other things. But would you expect actual cash to be included in those other things?

Maybe not. But listen to my little fortune telling.

The benefits of exercise are there, regardless of age or stage in life. In an article in the Journal of the American Medical Directors Association recently, members of the medical community have been seeking to promote physical activity among the elderly.

We may not even be able to put a price tag on the benefits of exercise in

  • preventing osteoporosis
  • improving mental health
  • preventing and reversing obesity, and
  • improving general health

I also have to mention how your physical exercise program makes you lose stuff. Water, for example. Well, this is very obvious. If you haven't been losing more than your usual amount of water you need to work out harder, walk or run for a little longer, until you sweat. Then make sure you drink enough water to replenish body fluids. Now for the cash part...

Exercise gives you cash?

The odds are much better than winning the lottery - I know this. It happens folks! My only plausible explanation for this is that someone who walks my exercise trail in our neighborhood park has been losing weight. We found two one-dollar bills this morning on the trail.

Somebody is getting weight loss results. Their clothes are not tight anymore. The extra cash they carry is no longer tightly held by their slacks. They are losing the contents of their pockets, and it's (though indirectly) as a result of the exercise.

Now, what if they were to carry Benjamin Franklin's instead of George Washington's? Then, for those of us who keep watching our steps, physical exercise would really pay.

We should not be mistaken, even if you don't believe there is any chance of you finding $100 a day for every day you exercise for the rest of your life, the odds are very great that the benefits to your health will be there. And chances are, you won't be around to realize these benefits if you don't exercise, so start moving.

Hui E. K., Rubenstein L. Z. (2006). Promoting physical activity and exercise in older adults. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 2006 Jun;7(5):310-314.
Cline R. R., Worley M. M. (2006). Osteoporosis health beliefs and self-care behaviors: an exploratory investigation. J Am Pharm Assoc (Wash DC). 2006 May-Jun ;46(3):356-63.
Studenski S., Carlson M. C., Fillit H., Greenough W. T., Kramer A., Rebok G. W. (2006). From bedside to bench: does mental and physical activity promote cognitive vitality in late life? Science of Aging Knowledge Environment, 2006 May;2006(10):pe21.

Copyright 2006 by Bentley Thompson

Bentley writes about lifestyle-related conditions such as diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, and cardiovascular diseases. He advocates the anti-diabetes diet which he describes on his website. You may visit his website and blog using the following URLs: http://www.anti-diabetes-diet-supplements.com/ and

exercise your way to weight loss and healthyou can do it

Exercise Your Way to Weight Loss and Health...You CAN Do It!Writen by Troy Francis

We've all heard a hundred times that the key to weight loss and a healthy body is a sound diet and exercise. Many of us work hard to keep our diets in check, but have a hard time when it comes to exercise. Either we're short on time, feel too tired, or just don't have the motivation to get up any earlier.

Well, if you're one of those that has a hard time with exercise, I've got good news for you. Exercise doesn't have to be that hard! You don't have to spend an hour at it, and you don't have to join a gym or buy expensive equipment.

In fact, just 20 minutes of exercise per day can give you great health benefits over the long haul. Even if you only do 5 or 10 minutes at a time, you're still doing your heart--and your physique--a lot of good.

When you're short on time, you can sneak your exercise in just about anywhere you are. It's amazing what a little heart-pumping here and there will do for your health AND your mood.

Pulling a stressful 9-to-5 shift? Take a 15-minute break twice a day and go for a walk...even around the office or up and down the stairs. The exercise will not only burn a few extra calories, but it will also help you avoid that afternoon slump and put you in a better frame of mind.

Got too much laundry to worry about exercise? Use your chores as a workout. Take a few extra trips up and down the stairs, dance while you dust, or vacuum whether you need to or not. Load the dishwasher in a squat position to tighten those glutes, and keep those abs pulled in no matter what you're doing.

While you're out doing your regular errands, get a little exercise as well. Park at the far end of the parking lot to do a little walking. Contract your arm and back muscles while you push that shopping cart. Carry your toddler instead of having her walk. If you only have a few items to get at the store or have a neighborhood delivery to make, walk!

If you can, set your alarm just 20 minutes earlier and grab your dumbbells. Find a few exercises on the Web and alternate working different parts of the body on different days. Weight-bearing exercise is the best way to increase your lean muscle mass, which will boost your metabolism and help you stay fit. You'll also get stronger bones! No dumbbells? Use soup cans or gallons of milk.

If you're trying to lose weight, exercise will get you to your goal much faster, and you'll form a healthy habit along the way. It takes just 21 days to form a habit, so if you can commit to exercise several times a week for just the next three weeks, it will become easier to keep it up. You will probably even decide you enjoy it!

Remember, exercise is any activity that gets your heart rate into its target zone. You don't have to sweat it out in front of a video or in an organized class. Your exercise can be walking, dancing, tennis, football, biking, or any other sport or physical activity you enjoy. As long as you keep it up and use variation to keep from getting bored, exercise can be an enjoyable, permanent part of your new healthy lifestyle.

Copyright Troy Francis. Please, feel free to republished this article. We only ask that you leave the resource box and link. You can see more great articles on Weight Loss, Diet, Exercise, Health and much more by going to: http://www.Exercise-Diet.com/

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

do you visualize whilst you are doing breathing exercises

Do You Visualize Whilst You Are Doing Breathing Exercises?Writen by Barry McDonald

Q. I find breathing exercises very boring is there anything I can do to make less boring?

Have you ever used visualization when you are doing your breathing exercises, a lot of people think that breathing exercises are only a manner of sitting down and concentrating as they inhale exhale, which to the outsider can seem as being very boring and monotonous but here's a few things you can try out the next time, try

concentrating on a particular colour on inhalation and another colour on exhalation
(for example some colour you link with calmness or purity, and another colour for stress or impurity)

having a picture in your mind of your body and as you breathe in, think of all the extra parts of your lungs that have been under used because of bad breathing habits.

Taking a breath and picturing the air coming into your body from different areas (such as the soles of the feet for example.)

It can especially seem complicated for beginners when starting out to do breathing exercises as you cant see the muscles that they are working on but by visualizing their lungs in action in their mind it makes it all the easier to doand remember when youre doing your breathing exercises you're not really learning anything new but undoing all the bad habits you've picked up over the years.

Visit http://www.scienceofbreath.be and start to improve your breathing technique today!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

3 ways in which you can optimize the use of bodyweight exercise

3 Ways In Which You Can Optimize The Use Of Bodyweight ExerciseWriten by Eddie Lomax

Bodyweight exercise is the best place to begin when starting a physical fitness training program, should be added to programs that otherwise neglect bodyweight exercise and should be diversified with resistance training for programs that use bodyweight exercise exclusively.

Some people love bodyweight exercise and some people hate it... similarly, some people think bodyweight exercise is valuable to a physical fitness training program, and others don't.

I believe that bodyweight exercise is not only the best method to start a physical fitness training program... but I believe that it should remain an active part of any well balance physical training program.

Let's look at bodyweight exercise from three different perspectives... from the beginner just getting started, from the experienced weight lifter that neglects bodyweight exercise and from the bodyweight exercise only crowd.

1. Bodyweight Exercise For Beginners

Most commercial gyms will prescribe an exercise regimen of strength training, usually in the form of machines, and cardiorespiratory endurance training, normally in the form of stationary cardio equipment.

This is a generalization of course... but these two types of training are the predominant forms of physical training in most gyms, regardless of how they are put together.

Notice... bodyweight exercise is missing.

Answer me this... should a beginner with no prior experience with physical training start by jumping right into resistance training with free weights or machines, or would they be better served by learning more about the movement of their bodies by using bodyweight exercise?

Physical training allows you to improve the body by supplying increased stimulus that is not normally found in your daily lifestyle.

For the beginner, bodyweight exercise is the logical place to start... because most beginners are actually going from a state of complete inactivity to a state of activity.

The beginner has not even scraped the surface of what their body can perform without resistance... and should therefore strive to make improvements using bodyweight exercise first.

Once the beginner has made sufficient gains and reached an improved state with bodyweight exercise... then they can add resistance.

2. Bodyweight Exercise For The Experienced Weight Lifter

Many people with a great deal of experience and expertise in physical training completely neglect bodyweight exercise... or believe it to be ineffective.

They notoriously use all types of resistance training methods... while neglecting bodyweight exercise all together.

I propose that the goal of any physical fitness training program is to improve performance that can be used to meet the challenges of sport, work and life with excellence.

Many of those challenges will be met by the effective control and movement of your own body... and not the movement of other objects through space.

And what is the best way to train the improvement of body movement and control of your own body... that's right, bodyweight exercise.

Here is an example...

Many people that have trouble doing a push up will focus on the bench press with hopes of improving their push up numbers... with limited results.

If you want to be able to do more push ups... do more push ups!

The point is this, the improvements you will see from physical training are specific... so if you want to see improvements in a bodyweight movement, use bodyweight exercise to do so.

3. Bodyweight Exercise For The Bodyweight Only Crowd

As you can already tell, I am a strong advocate of bodyweight exercise... but not exclusively.

There are various physical fitness training programs that use bodyweight exercise almost exclusively... like Yoga or Pilates.

While I have no problem with these forms of training... I believe they can take you only so far on the road to physical fitness excellence.

We must remember... Yoga exercises are performed in conjunction with meditation and Pilates was originally developed as a form of rehabilitation for war veterans.

The point is this... bodyweight exercise only programs will only take you so far, and then some form of resistance training must be applied to see further improvement.

In Conclusion...

Bodyweight exercise is an important part of any well balanced physical fitness training program.

If you are just getting started... bodyweight exercise is the perfect place to start.

If you have notoriously neglected bodyweight exercise in your training... add it to improve the physical abilities you have been neglecting.

If you only use bodyweight exercise... diversify your fitness training program by adding some form of resistance training.

In this way, each group can optimize the use of bodyweight exercise.

Do not underestimate the importance of bodyweight exercise... Use it effectively and in the right proportion to meet your goals, needs, abilities and limitations and meet the challenges of sport, work and life with excellence.

Eddie Lomax is a strength, conditioning and fitness coach and founder of Optimum Physical Training. We recommend his book Unchained Bodyweight Workout.

exercise the right way the barbell bentover row

Exercise The Right Way - The Barbell Bent-Over RowWriten by Richard Mitchell

Other articles in this series looked at a number of exercises, mainly from the perspective of developing a comprehensive muscle building program. Sometimes we take things for granted, especially when it comes to performing the basic exercises that constitute the core of most bodybuiders' training regimes.

It is useful, therefore, to describe in detail the processes involved in actually doing these exercises. This will help beginners to start out using the correct techniques before moving on to potentially more dangerous heavy weights. If it also helps more experienced lifters to redress some of the little faults that have almost imperceptibly crept in over the years, all the better.

In this article we'll take a close look at the bent-over row using a barbell.

MUSCLES TARGETED: latissimus dorsi, teres major, middle trapezius, rhomboids


Grasp the bar with a closed, pronated grip.
Grip should be slightly wider than shoulder width.


Adopt a shoulder width stance with knees slightly flexed.
Flex the torso forward so that it is not quite parallel to the floor.
Make sure the back remains straight.
Look to a point just ahead of the feet.
Let the bar hang with the arms fully extended.
This is the starting point for all repetitions.


Pull the bar up towards the lower chest.
Point the elbows up.
Keep the torso rigid, back flat and knees slightly flexed.
Touch the bar to the chest in one smooth movement.


Let the elbows slowly extend back to the beginning position.
Keep the torso and knees in the same position.
Repeat or finish set.

Richard Mitchell is the creator of the bodybuildingadvisor.com website that provides guidance and information to athletes at all levels of bodybuilding experience. Go to Bodybuilding Exercises to learn more about the issues covered in this article.

exercise and diet the correlation

Exercise and Diet -The CorrelationWriten by Michael Russell

I had a friend who was 40 pounds overweight. One day he decided that as motivation to lose the excess pounds he would enter and train for an upcoming race. The poor guy ran for 6 days a week and much to my surprise, he followed his regimen zealously. 6 weeks go by and the guy has maybe shed about 6 pounds from his desired total. He was running faster and farther than he ever could before but the gut was there to stay. So why after so much exercise was he not achieving his goal? First, because the guy would go out with the rest of his friends and munch down on typical guys' night out food: pizza, beer, hot wings and pasta, and second, because steady cardiovascular exercise doesn't burn fat calories the way strength training does.

Muscles use a large amount of calories to keep themselves nourished. They eagerly await those calories that you are ingesting on a daily basis. It isn't too difficult to hypothesize then that the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn. The most important aspect of this is that your muscles don't have to be particularly working out in order to reap the benefits. A bulging Hulk will burn more calories by sitting down and watching TV then your average fat-bellied, couch potato. The reason again, more muscles equals more calorie burning, regardless of what state your body happens to be in.

The best muscles to work out are the ones in your large muscle groups. These include your legs, chest, back, and shoulders. These groups of muscle build up the biggest mass and in the shortest amount of time. An added benefit to working the larger muscles is that your metabolism kicks into high gear. So what exactly are the types of exercises you should be doing? There are 3 groups that you will need to focus on: Circuit Training, Compound Exercises, and High Intensity running.

Circuit training is in simple words, doing different exercises one after another with very little rest between exercises. By moving constantly and shortening your rest periods, circuit training keeps your heart rate up throughout your workout. This insures maximum fat burn and gives you a great cardiovascular fitness benefit. If you keep your rest to 30 seconds between exercises and 1 minute between circuits, the time needed to get a good overall workout is cut down drastically.

Compound exercises are exercises that work on multiple muscles with one exercise. These exercises not only make your workout more fun, but they also demand more out of your muscles. Remember, more muscle equals greater fat burning. Combine these types of exercises in circuit training and you will definitely keep your metabolism firing. You can start small, but make sure to make an effort to progress. Some good exercises to start out with are squats, bench press, triceps pushdown, lunges, leg curls, and biceps curls.

High intensity running is great to do in conjunction with the rest of your exercises, but try to do it on your off days from strength training. Remember my overweight friend? He was running too but the reason he failed is because he was always running at the same pace. Have you ever seen one of those marathon runners? Notice how they all seem to have a skinny frame. Now compare them to say a sprint runner. Who seems to have the bigger muscles? Sprint runners are always working on the intensity of their workouts since the demands they place on their body in such a short period of time exceed their counterparts. The majority of fat burning in intensity driven workouts is lost after the workout.

So there you have it. Combine all these exercise groups and follow it with a sensible low calorie diet, and be amazed at how the pounds will start to melt away!

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Exercise

Monday, September 22, 2008

exercise the right way the back squat

Exercise The Right Way - The Back SquatWriten by Richard Mitchell

Other articles in this series looked at a number of exercises, mainly from the perspective of developing a comprehensive muscle building program. Sometimes we take things for granted, especially when it comes to performing the basic exercises that constitute the core of most bodybuilders' training regimes.

It is useful, therefore, to describe in detail the processes involved in actually doing these exercises. This will help beginners to start out using the correct techniques before moving on to potentially more dangerous heavy weights. If it also helps more experienced lifters to redress some of the little faults that have almost imperceptibly crept in over the years, all the better.

In this article we'll take a close look at the back squat.

MUSCLES TARGETED: gluteus maximus, semimembranosus, semitendinosus, biceps femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius, vastus medialis, rectus femoris


Grasp the bar with a closed pronated grip.
Step under the bar and position the feet parallel to each other.
Place the bar in a balanced position on the upper back and shoulders.
Hold the chest up and out.
Pull the scapulae toward each other.
Tilt the head slightly up.
Extend the knees and hips to lift the bar.
Take one or two steps.
Place the feet shoulder width apart, even with each other with the toes pointed slightly outward.
This is the starting point for all repetitions.


Allow the hips and knees to slowly flex.
Maintain a flat back, high elbows, with the chest up and out.
Keep the heels on the floor with the knees aligned over the feet.
Keep flexing the hips and knees until the thighs are parallel to the floor.


Extend the hips and knees at the same rate.
Maintain a flat back, high elbows, with the chest up and out.
Keep the heels on the floor with the knees aligned over the feet.
Keep extending the hips and knees to return to the starting position.
Repeat or finish set.

Richard Mitchell is the creator of the bodybuildingadvisor.com website that provides guidance and information to athletes at all levels of bodybuilding experience. Go to Bodybuilding Exercises to learn more about the issues covered in this article.

discover the positive effects of exercise for diabetes sufferers

Discover the Positive Effects of Exercise for Diabetes SufferersWriten by Emily Clark

There are two main types of diabetes, type I and type II. Type I
diabetes is characterized by the pancreas making too little or no
insulin. An individual with diabetes type I will have to inject
insulin throughout the day in order to control glucose levels.
Type II diabetes, also known as adult onset diabetes, is
characterized by the pancreas not producing enough insulin to
control glucose levels or the cells not responding to insulin.

When a cell does not respond to insulin, it is known as insulin
resistance. When a subject is diagnosed with type II diabetes,
exercise and weight control are prescribed as measures to help
with insulin resistance. If this does not control glucose levels,
then medication is prescribed. The risk factors for type II
diabetes include: inactivity, high cholesterol, obesity, and
hypertension. Inactivity alone is a very strong risk factor that
has been proven to lead to diabetes type II.

Exercise will have a positive effect on diabetes type II while improving insulin sensitivity while type I cannot be controlled be an exercise program. Over 90% of individuals with diabetes have type II.

Exercise causes the body to process glucose faster, which lowers
blood sugar. The more intense the exercise, the faster the body
will utilize glucose. Therefore it is important to understand the
differences in training with type I and type II diabetes. It is
important for an individual who has diabetes to check with a
physician before beginning an exercise program. When training
with a diabetic, it is important to understand the dangers of
injecting insulin immediately prior to exercise. An individual
with type I diabetes injecting their normal amount of insulin for
a sedentary situation can pose the risk of hypoglycemia or
insulin shock during exercise.

General exercise guidelines for type I are as follows: allow adequate rest during exercise sessions to prevent high blood pressure, use low impact exercises and avoid heavy weight lifting, and always have a supply of carbohydrates nearby. If blood sugar levels get too low, the individual may feel shaky, disoriented, hungry, anxious, become irritable or experience trembling. Consuming a carbohydrate snack or beverage will alleviate these symptoms in a matter of minutes.

Before engaging in exercise, it is important for blood sugar
levels to be tested to make sure that they are not below 80 to
100 mg/dl range and not above 250 mg/dl. Glucose levels should
also be tested before, during, after and three to five hours
after exercise. During this recovery period (3-5 hours after
exercise), it is important for diabetics to consume ample
carbohydrates in order to prevent hypoglycemia.

Exercise will greatly benefit an individual with type II diabetes
because of its positive effects on insulin sensitivity. Proper
exercise and nutrition are the best forms of prevention for type
II diabetics. It is important for training protocols to be
repeated almost daily to help with sustaining insulin
sensitivity. To prevent hypoglycemia, progressively work up to
strenuous activity.

As with individuals with type I diabetes, carbohydrates should
also be present during training to assist in raising blood sugar
levels if the individual becomes low.

The information contained in this article is for educational purposes
only and is not intended to medically diagnose, treat or cure any
disease. Consult a health care practitioner before beginning any
health care program.

Emily Clark is editor at Lifestyle Health News and Medical Health News
where you can find the most up-to-date advice and information on
many medical, health and lifestyle topics.

exercise the right way the seated row

Exercise The Right Way - The Seated RowWriten by Richard Mitchell

Other articles in this series looked at a number of exercises, mainly from the perspective of developing a comprehensive muscle building program. Sometimes we take things for granted, especially when it comes to performing the basic exercises that constitute the core of most bodybuiders' training regimes.

It is useful, therefore, to describe in detail the processes involved in actually doing these exercises. This will help beginners to start out using the correct techniques before moving on to potentially more dangerous heavy weights. If it also helps more experienced lifters to redress some of the little faults that have almost imperceptibly crept in over the years, all the better.

In this article we'll take a close look at the seated row using a machine.

MUSCLES TARGETED: latissimus dorsi, teres major, middle trapezius, rhomboids


Grasp the handles with a closed, pronated grip.


Sit down on the seat facing the chest pad of the machine.
Place the feet on the foot supports.
Sit erect and press the torso against the chest pad.
Extend the elbows fully.
This is the starting position for all repetitions.


Pull the handles towards the chest.
Maintain an erect torso position and keep the elbows next to the ribs.
Pull the handles as far back as possible.
Keep all movement smooth.


Keep the elbows next to the ribs and allow the handles to move back to the starting position.
Keep the torso in the same position.
Repeat or finish set.

Richard Mitchell is the creator of the bodybuildingadvisor.com website that provides guidance and information to athletes at all levels of bodybuilding experience. Go to Bodybuilding Exercises to learn more about the issues covered in this article.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

exercise hydration before during and after physical effort

Exercise - Hydration Before, During and after Physical EffortWriten by Isabel Curini

Hydrating, like diet, is extremely important in fitness and in sport in general. If the body does not get enough calories during physical effort, it can take them from its own 'deposits' of adipose tissue, or even from the muscular proteins; but when water is insufficient, things are much more complicated and there are bigger risks for the body.

Water is involved in all the metabolic processes, so not providing the body with enough liquid can have as a consequence perturbation of the bio-chemical reactions, which directly influences the effectiveness of the training and even the practitioner's state of health.

Physical effort, especially the aerobic one, leads to dehydration through perspiration (which regulates the temperature of the body, preventing over-heating). There is a very strict rule which imposes drinking water (liquid) before, during and after physical effort. Besides regulating the body temperature, correct hydrating helps eliminating the toxic substances resulted during and after the training (urea, sodium, etc.) easier; hydration acts like a 'means of transport' through perspiration and urine. Thus, the metabolism of blood sugar, lipids and proteins is developed in good conditions, ensuring contraction force for short time and especially for resistance efforts.

There is also the opposite of dehydration over hydration, due to excessive consume of water. In this situation, besides the inconvenient of very frequent urination, the blood vessels are overloaded and this leads to making the work of the heart, which must provide a much too big volume of pumping, more difficult. As a consequence, the effectiveness of the training is hindered and the sport performance does not get to the expected level. The sensation of 'heavy body' can also appear for the practitioner of common fitness.

As for the type of liquids, the sportsman must supervise the level of effort which produces dehydration and melting of the glycogen reserves. Besides water, the practitioner can use isotonic drinks, (which have an electrolytic composition similar to the one of the body) or liquids containing sugar easy and quick to absorb by the body (fructose, glucose, dextrose, etc.). All of these can contribute to fast restore of the glycogen reserves of the body. It is advisable to drink the liquids in small and frequent doses, so that the body assimilates them better and they do not briskly overload the body during effort.

Both in over hydrating and in dehydrating, there is the risk of 'putting to work' too much the renal excretory function. Over hydrating can have as a consequence significant elimination of electrolytes, which are precious for the body (potassium, sodium, iron, zinc, etc), and they need to be replaced from sources as natural as possible (fruit, vegetables, mineral water, etc.). In case of dehydrating, the volume of urine will be severely diminished because the body will try to retain mineral salts and vitamins. Besides unwanted deposits, renal lithiasis, gout, etc., a very severe consequence of this effort of the body to retain liquid is renal blocking.

Correct hydrating involves a certain discipline, which means that liquids must be consumed repeatedly during the day, not only during physical effort. A person must not get to feel thirst. This is only a very late alarm, signaling that the right quantity of water has been missing from the body for a couple of hours. Except while eating and immediately after, in order not to perturb digestion by excessive diluting, a real prophylaxis of dehydrating and over hydrating can be made through correct, constant and preventive consume of liquids.

Isabel Curini, fitness trainer and editor at http://www.healthfitnessworld.com. HealthFitnessWorld.com - Health, Fitness, Body Building, Weight Loss, Nutrition - Articles and Resources.

HealthFitnessWorld.com is dedicated to providing high-quality, free advices, tips and resources on health, fitness, body building, supplements, nutrition, weight loss, beauty, massage, acne, medicine, depression, massage.

This article may be reprinted or published without the author's consent as long as the About and weblinks are kept intact and active.

exercise tips for people with no time

Exercise Tips for People With 'No Time'Writen by Sheri Zampelli

As our lives become more complex, we need creative time-management twists to juggle all the things we want to do. This article will give you tips on how to fit exercise into your busy schedule, even if you have a sedentary lifestyle.

The first step is to drop the all-or-nothing, perfectionistic thinking that says It has to be at a gym. It doesn't count if you don't breathe hard. It doesn't count if you don't do it for at least 30 minutes non-stop, etc. Any physical activity is more beneficial than NO physical activity. So open your mind and let's create new solutions.

We all get stuck from time to time sitting at our computers, waiting for one thing or another:

*Long print jobs

*Slow or large downloads

*Large files to open

*Inspiration on what to write or do next

*Instant messages

*iPod Updates

Here's how you can put that time to use:

1. Get a medicine ball and/or exercise band at your local sporting goods store or on-line.

2. Put these items near your computer in an easy to reach location.

3. Begin compiling a stack of exercise ideas from magazines or books which you will also keep near your computer (consider starting a three-ring binder so you can easily find the book and flip through it at will).

4. When you encounter a wait period (or just need a little break), do a set of arm or leg exercises. Heres a list of ideas to get you started:

Chest Press: Strap an exercise tube around the back of your office chair and do occasional chest presses. Hold one handle in each hand and position your hands so they are at chest level. Sit up straight. Push forward and extend your arms straight in front of you or, for variation, cross your hands in front of you. Repeat 10-15 times or until you become fatigued.

Overhead Tricep Lifts: Hold a 3-5 pound medicine ball in both hands. Lift it over your head with arms extended. Bend at the elbows and slowly lower the ball so that it ends up behind your neck. Continue lifting the ball from behind your neck to over your head. Use slow, steady, controlled movements. Repeat 8-10 times or until you become fatigued.

Bicep Curls: Depending on your strength level, you can use one or both arms for this exercise. Hold the medicine ball in your hands in front of you as if you are offering a gift to someone or holding a large cup or bowl in your hands. Your arms should be in an L shaped position at your sides. Bring the ball up to your chest slowly and then back down slowly. If you are strong enough, you can also do one arm at a time lifting the ball from the L shaped position up to your shoulder and back down again. Repeat 12-15 times or until you become fatigued. Perform equal amounts of repetitions for each arm.

Leg Lifts: Stretch your legs out in front of you and put your ankles and feet together. Place the medicine ball in the cradle created by your ankles so that the ball is resting on the top of your foot and your lower leg at the same time. Depending on your strength level, you can do this exercise a variety of ways:

Lower Leg Lifts: Lift your legs from the floor until they are almost completely extended. Maintain a small bend in the knees, do not lock your knees. For more of a challenge, hold your legs in the lifted position until you begin to feel your muscles shake or burn, then lower. Repeat 10-15 times.

Full Leg Lifts: Scoot up in your chair so that your buttocks are almost at the edge of your seat. Put your hands on the armrest to support your body. Extend your legs in front of you with your knees slightly bent. Lift your legs as high as you can off the ground. For extra challenge, hold your legs in place before lowering. Be sure to continue sitting up straight as you do this exercise and hold in your abdominal muscles for support.

Copyright 2006 Sheri Zampelli

Sheri O. Zampelli, M.S., CCH is a clinical hypnotherapist in private practice. She is the author of From Sabotage to Success How to Overcome Self-Defeating Behavior and Reach Your True Potential. She helps people create liveable solutions for their weight and eating challenges. For more information, visit her website at http://www.donateyourweight.com.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

exercise fact or fiction

Exercise Fact Or FictionWriten by Paul Hegarty

Did you know that the average life span of men and women is around 80 years? Unfortunately a lot of us feel that age before we get to 50. Some of us, men especially, will go out and buy a fancy car and take extreme care of it. Then when were done detailing the car, we will go and eat a burger and fries and maybe drink a beer to wash it down. The other thing I find amusing is when I go to the gym and find myself fighting to park as close to the building as possible. Here I am paying to exercise and then I refuse to walk more than 20 paces to enter the complex.

These days there are many supplements on the market to loose weight, however what is important to note is, that they do not substitute for exercise. Many of us of course have a busy schedule, and find it hard to fit it in to our busy working days. I heard in the news recently that a vast majority of Americans are having difficulty sleeping. This makes sense since many people do not exercise.

The human body needs to move in order to maintain and increase strength. The heart needs to beat. Oxygen needs to circulate through the body. Aside from anyones aspiration to look good, exercise is essential. Lack of exercise leads to premature aging, sagging skin, aches and pains, and much more. These are the external effects; internally you could be dealing with clogged vessels, diabetes, nervous tension, and high blood pressure. The sad part is that these symptoms can set in when it is almost too late. You cannot turn the clock back, and as I have often said regrets can be extremely depressing.

The human body is mind blowing in its complexity and functionality. Take sure simple steps to fit exercise into your day. Simple things just like stretching, breathing, weather permitting a short walk. Yoga is a great way to fit exercise into your work days. Just by breathing or stretching you can help the body. When going to the store, park far away and walk. Do the simple things, do not beat yourself over the head and make it a chore to exercise. Write down the things you like to do that involves exercise, such as hiking, golf, cycling, gardening, swimming, and then do more of that. Vary the fitness routine. Variety promotes interest. When traveling, if in a hotel use there gym, it is free when you stay there. Most Importantly !Start Today!.

Sign up for our monthly newsletter at http://www.learningfromdvds.com and get your free e-book on memory, along with a wide selection of fitness DVDs.

Paul Hegarty is the owner of learningfromdvds.com. A guide to educational DVDs with price comparisons, reviews, and free E-books. Read this months e-book on How To Spot A fraudulent Email. Grab your free copy today.