Tuesday, September 16, 2008

exercise amp motivation part 3 keeping it going

Exercise & Motivation, Part 3: Keeping It GoingWriten by Tanja Gardner


The next stage of Prochaskas Transtheoretical model - Action - kicks in once youve started taking (you guessed it) action.

If youre in this stage, youre ready to make changes and now. In the Action stage, you know where you want to be, how you'll get there, and youve started (or are about to start) doing something get you moving. Youve made it past the first major sticking point overcoming inertia, but that doesnt mean itll be an easy ride from here. No matter how good your intentions, starting a routine isnt the same as maintaining it. Obstacles whether small (like an invitation to do something at a time youd planned on working out) or large (like falling ill or injuring yourself) are going to come up.


When you encounter an obstacle, take a little time out to reconnect with your main goal and your reasons for wanting to achieve it. Remember why youre exercising in the first place. How could you still achieve your goal, and find ways around this new obstacle? Your journal can be your friend here use it to reflect back over why something may have ended up being more difficult than expected, and to brainstorm ideas for different ways to move forward. You can also use it to proactively motivate yourself before obstacles appear to track your progress in whatever area youd like to see yourself improving.


If you havent already, create an exercise routine that gets friends or family involved. Studies have shown that people whose friends or family support their goals are far more likely to achieve them, and its hard not to feel supported when people you care about are working out alongside you. Not only that, but if youve agreed to meet your workout buddy for an exercise session, you make it that much harder to let them down by deciding at the last minute you just cant be bothered today.


If youre having trouble summoning the motivation to get out the door, promise yourself you dont have to finish your workout if you dont want to. Decide that you only have to complete the first ten minutes, and then, if you really dont feel like keeping at it, give yourself permission to pack up and go home again. Most of the time, just getting out the door and starting will be enough.

For a short term motivational quick-fix, dont underestimate the power of bribery! Identify three or four different little things that bring you pleasure, and promise yourself youll take time out and indulge in at least one of them if you complete your workout as scheduled.


Finally, if youre noticing increasing difficulty motivating yourself despite trying all of the above suggestions, consider talking to a personal trainer near you. A big part of qualifying as a trainer involves not just learning specific exercises, but learning how to keep clients motivated. If cost is an issue for you, think seriously about hiring an online trainer. Generally, online training is far more reasonably priced than face-to-face training - and if all youre wanting is someone to keep you enthusiastic and accountable, it means youre not paying for services you dont need.

In next issues conclusion to our Exercise & Motivation series, we look at the final stage of Prochaskas model and what to do if you find yourself in the dreaded Relapse stage. Until then, may every day bring you closer to your optimum life!

Copyright 2005 Tanja Gardner

Note: This is Part 3 of a 4-part article series. You can find Parts 1 and 2 at http://optimumlife.co.nz/FitnessArticles.htm

This article Tanja Gardner, Optimum Life Ltd. Please feel free to reprint it in whole, as long as this resource box remains intact.
Optimum Life Ltd (http://optimumlife.co.nz) provides balanced fitness and stress management services to clients worldwide. For details of how we can help you achieve your optimum fitness on a budget, visit http://trainerforce.com/optimumlife
For a copy of our free 'What is Optimum Fitness?' Report and Checklist, please send an e-mail to mailto:optimumlife@xtra.co.nz with 'Please send Fitness Checklist & Report' in the subject header