Thursday, October 9, 2008

improve your health fitness with a fun exercise program

Improve Your Health Fitness With A Fun Exercise ProgramWriten by Sherrie Le Masurier

Now that the warmer weather is upon us its a good time to improve your health fitness with a fun exercise program. If you already have a workout routine in place spring is a great time to mix it up. And, if you dont have one theres no better time than the beginning of a new season to start a new exercise program.

A regular exercise program gives our lives balance especially if its the opposite of how we spend the rest of our day. For instance, if youre self-employed you may enjoy the direction and social interaction of a group health fitness activity. If on the other hand, you have a boss dictating what you do all day you may prefer running or being a soccer coach where youre in charge.

A regular exercise program also offers up additional stamina, stress relief and an abundance of health benefits. Not to mention, if you get up before your spouse and kids some time to yourself.

If you feel that youre at your best first in the morning get yourself up and out before the rest of the family cracks an eyelid. In my view, theres no better way to start your day than with a good workout.

That said, whether you prefer to do your health fitness program at sunrise, noon or sunset the key to staying healthy and fit is to either bite the bullet and get started or shake things up enough so your workout routine never gets dull.

The best way to transform a stale exercise program is to make it fun. When exercise is enjoyed chances are well do it more and at a higher level. Hence, better results for our efforts.

So, do what you enjoy most. Forget about what kinds of exercises burn the most calories or which type of workout routine your friends favour just do something that puts a spring in your step.

If your exercise program is in need of a spring makeover try the following tips. And, if you need to grow a whole new health fitness regime hopefully these ideas will inspire you to get started.

Better your own time. If you like solitary activities like running, walking, cycling or swimming raise the bar by setting new goals to better your time or number of laps. Consider also training for a competition.

Count your steps. Strap on a pedometer and start counting those steps. Fitness experts say that 10,000 steps a day is a good target.

For more ways to add fun to your workouts visit:

Take up a new sport. If competition spurs you on consider joining a different team sport or participating in a one-on-one activity like tennis or badminton.

Slip on some headphones. Upbeat music and a varied play list not only gives you an emotional boost and something to look forward to each time you workout but research suggests it also takes your mind off what youre doing. The same goes for listening to self-improvement tapes or CDs while you workout.

Laugh at yourself. Laughter is known to raise adrenaline levels which in turn allows for a more energetic workout. Listen to a comedy tape or if youre a runner have a saying like Catch Me If You Can printed on the back of your T-shirt.

Alter your workout routine. If its your habit to turn left whenever you head out for a walk or run, turn right instead. Take a different path or do your usual route backwards.

Start you own club. An exercise program is always more fun when its shared. If you cant find anyone to walk or workout with start a group of your own. Talk to friends and neighbours and post signs in neighbourhood looking for like-minded individuals.

Treat yourself. Acknowledge your success and commitment to your health fitness by indulging in a good book, a night out with friends or purchasing some new workout gear.

Sherrie Le Masurier is a freelance writer who writes extensively on nutrition, fitness and family health. For more health fitness tips visit - Copyright.