Saturday, October 11, 2008

back exercises

Back ExercisesWriten by Margarette Tustle

Back and spinal problems affect most people at one time in their life, if not more often. Overwork or strain can cause a person pain so persistent and strong that it prevents them from being able to move freely for work or recreational purposes. While some people take medication to alleviate their back pain, it is becoming increasingly evident that the best way to deal with this problem is prevention. Prevention is accomplished by strengthening the muscles in the abdomen and spinal area so that there is more support and less likelihood for injury and strain.

Exercises To Prevent Further Injury:

Wall Slides: Put your back against the wall with your feet shoulder width apart and then slide slowly down the wall until you are in a crouch position at a 90 degree angle. Come up again slowly and repeat this exercise 4 or 5 times. This will strengthen you lower legs, calves, and thighs as well as strengthening your back.

Leg Raises (3 types): Front leg raises are done by steadying yourself with your hand on a chair or table and raising one leg out in front of you and holding it for a few seconds while the other leg is slightly bent at the knee-keep your spine straight. Side leg raises are done much the same way as front leg raises but the leg is lifted to the side with the toes pointing forward. The last type of leg raise is accomplished by bringing your leg behind you and raising it up with the buttocks held tight. This is the back leg raise.

Leg Swing: this is one of the best and simplest exercises that you can do to improve your spinal health. You simply put both hands on the top of a chair and swing one leg to the rear as far as it will go and then let it come back to the floor with the toes touching. Then repeat the exercise with the other leg.

Abdominal strengthening exercises of any kind such as crunches will also provide better support for your spine and upper body and will help you to prevent future strain and injuries.

Another key to better back health is to keep your weight down. It has been found that people who are obese have a far greater chance for spinal injuries and strain. This is because the excess weight makes mobility difficult and puts extra pressure on all of the muscles and joints in the body. So, the keys to a healthier back are good eating and exercise.

By Margarette Tustle. Learn more about back pain and backs from