Monday, November 10, 2008

exercise your way to a better memory

Exercise Your Way to a Better MemoryWriten by Paul Cris

The primary need for exercising is to maintain a healthy body. Besides this, there are a number of advantages and one of the considerable benefits is the betterment of memory power.

When we exercise our heart rate gets rapid and due to this the circulation of blood gets quicker. In this way, the blood flows effectively towards the brain and stimulates the thought process. But when we grow older we are inactive and do not perform enough workouts so our blood circulation slows and we get forgetful.

Exercising should be a continuous activity and so choose a right program that you can perform steadily. Walking is easy and to reap results quickly walk about 20-30 minutes every day.
Indulge in various mental games as it will keep you active. Try to recall the names of the streets you stroll across. After perfecting the names try other ideas such as remembering house numbers, names, etc., in this way you will develop a stable mind.

You need to move your body every now and then in order to sharpen your memory. Swimming is the best form of exercise, as the blood circulates fast. The next best is dancing, just move the furniture in the drawing room and take a spin around. An excellent memory is necessary always, so stay active.

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