Saturday, February 27, 2010

exercise motivation 7 surefire tips

Exercise Motivation: 7 Sure-fire TipsWriten by Rich Rojas

So youve begun an exercise program to get in shape and loose weight. Congratulations! Youve taken a big step towards making big improvements in your life. However, you may be faced with the challenge of waning enthusiasm for your exercise program after the initial thrill of starting something new wears off. Dont despair! Here are 7 sure-fire tips to keep your exercise flame alive!
1. Make exercising a habit just like brushing your teeth or eating lunch every day, make your exercise routine an essential part of your life. You may not exercise everyday, but if you train say, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, then make these sessions an unbreakable appointment on your calendar. After all, its no accident that its referred to as an exercise routine.
2. Get a workout partner having someone to train with can keep you on track with your exercise program. Its a bit harder to back out of an exercise session because you just dont feel like it when you know someone is waiting for you.
3. Add a soundtrack to your workouts invest in a portable radio, CD or MP3 player. Adding music to your workouts can add interest and motivation while your train. Up-tempo music works best, but any kind of music that inspires you is great workout music.
4. Reward yourself some people need a little bribe to do things they are not ordinarily inclined to do. Thats OK, though; we all could use a small treat now and then! Try rewarding yourself with a warm bath after your workout or by watching your favorite TV show. Just be careful with rewards of the edible type you dont want to sabotage your efforts!
5. View your workouts as a break from work if you workout during your working day you can look forward to your workout as a break from your desk. A change of scenery and moving around after sitting for long periods is just what the doctor ordered! You will also feel rejuvenated when you return to your desk.
6. Fantasize when doing cardio exercises, like on an elliptical trainer or treadmill, you can role-play in your mind. Imagine yourself running the Marathon in the Olympics or cross-country skiing through snow-covered woods. Its your fantasy, so go wild!
7. Dont ever forget why you workout! This is probably the most effective technique for workout motivation. You no doubt started your exercise program in the first place to loose weight, get in shape, or become healthier. Dont loose sight of this reason! Remember it whenever you find yourself tempted to blow off a workout with a weak excuse.
And remember, success breeds even more success. Once you start seeing your waistline slimming down or your stamina increasing you will find yourself even more motivated to jump into your workouts!
Rich Rojas

Elliptical Trainer Reviews and Fitness Ideas