Saturday, March 21, 2009

photoshop pencil portrait

Photoshop Pencil PortraitWriten by Fabian Barajas

This tutorial will explain the techniques I use to create digital pencil portraits in Photoshop. I have been doing these for a few years now and have searched the web for some techniques of how to do this. I have tweaked what I learned to give this tutorial a more accurate (and pleasing I might add) rendering.

There are some things that can be done in advance before the photograph is taken to help give a more pleasing result. For instance, having a white background helps to have a cleaner separation of the subject. Also, having the subject wear white (or some other light color) clothing is a big plus as it helps draw the viewer to the person's face. Though these tips are helpful, they are not absolutely required.

Okay, let's begin!

1.Open the image in Photoshop.

2.Create a copy of the background layer by pressing Control J on your keyboard. Now invert the new layer by pressing...
Control I.

3.Convert image to grayscale by clicking (Image