Friday, January 16, 2009

finding motivation to exercise

Finding Motivation to ExerciseWriten by Jonna Reynolds

Ask the Coach: Finding Motivation to Exercise

Q: I really want to change. I know I need to exercise, but as the weather gets colder its so hard to go to the gym. How can I motivate myself to just do it?

A: I have a few thoughts on this one. First of all, EVERYONE struggles with this. Even people who have exercised regularly have this challenge from time to time. I believe that the key is making exercise a habit and a part of your daily routine as much as possible. Here are some tips:

1. Think about what time of day is best for you to create a routine. I suggest morning, if at all possible. Research indicates that morning exercisers tend to be more consistent. Personally, I think it's easier to fit into the flow of your routine in the morning. For me, it allows less time to think of reasons NOT to exercise.

2. Build the routine into your environment with cues. If you are going in the morning, set your clothes out the night before & go as soon as you get up. The longer you stall (coffee, paper, household tasks...) the harder it will be. If you go in the evening, try going straight from work and bring your clothes with you. Going home to change will make it tough to go back out.

3. Make it time to look forward to. For me it's new music to listen to, or a magazine that I want to catch up on. Other times it might be going somewhere new and different, or alone time to think. Think of things you can add to your workout to make it more fun for you.

4. Reward yourself. Maybe you get to stop for coffee after your workout? Maybe you get to buy something for yourself after a certain number of workouts? Try the punch card reward system. Track your workouts by marking a calendar and make milestones for yourself when you get to a certain number of workouts. (15 workouts, a new CD, 30 workouts, a manicure/pedicure, 50 workouts, a spa day....or whatever works for you)

5. Get out the door. This is the hardest part, but mind games really work. My favorite is the 5 minute rule. If Im really struggling, I tell myself that I just have to START exercising, and if Im really miserable after 10 minutes I can stop and go home. 90% of the time, once I start, Im feeling good and glad Im doing it. Just getting in your clothes and out the door is definately the hardest part. What ever you can do to trick yourself into starting will help!

6. Find a partner. This is huge. Especially if it is someone with the same level of commitment as you. Maybe you can create some shared incentives. Not only does a workout partner make exercise more fun, but the accountability factor, knowing someone is counting on you, and will notice if you dont show up is huge. You'll find that each of you will have your less motivated days. Just be careful to encourage each other, and not support the lets blow it off today attitude. When you are tempted to suggest happy hour instead of a workout with your partner, think before you suggest. You both set this goal for a reason. Respect your partners intentions and dont sabotage their workout with your suggestion. I promise both of you will feel better afterwards!

Good luck!

Jonna Reynolds is a Weight Loss Coach and Founder of Evolve. She coaches individuals, groups and corporations on Wellness and Weight Management. Her coaching technique incorporates the psychology of behavior change, exercise physiology and an intuitive eating philosophy to help clients make permanent lifestyle changes to lose weight for the long term. To get free monthly tips, sign up for the free Evolve4Life Newsletter at or call (480)248-2428.